Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Think about what makes someone “good company” If you could have dinner with 5 people(alive or dead) whom would you choose?

It will be the president because all of the kids will treat me like the boss.And if not it could be important. He cou give me alot of money.The president is like the man of the contry. And my mom will be prod of me.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Do now if you see a fellow student being treated unfairly by others? Would you step in and help him or just walk away? How could you help the other



Do  now  if you see a fellow student being treated unfairly by others? Would you step in and help him or just walk away? How could you help the other student without  making the situation worse? Yes I would help him by telling both of  them to calm down  or I will tell a teacher. If they don’t stop I will seperate them both. If  he does not let him go I will remined him about something that will make him happy. I will help all of  teammates

If someone makes fun of  my teammates.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

DO NOW: "The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed." Sebastian Roch Nicolas Chamfort, 1741-1794

No,i did not laugh today.Sometimes my brother makes me laugh at home.I have a little bit of  humor.My brother is the only one to make me laugh.Today my brother is realy sick with a big cut on his finger.What makes me laugh is if you tickle me and that is the only way.

Friday, September 12, 2008

QUIZ QUESTIONS: 10 points each question

the first rule is to infestigate the second is plan the  third is create the four is evaluate.It should be a place that you can go email other people that is in gmail and you can practic tipeing on computer.no.steve navarroblog in.com.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

how is IDEA MISSION different ?

IDIA mission is different because there is new tech.And get more homework so you can learn more.It will get you prepared for college.We ware uniforms so no one will pretend they are all that and start beating other kids up.